Monday, January 30, 2012

i was asked to do a post about positive things i/we learned thru our cancer journey...n after writing down only positive, it didnt feel here are...

 things i learned thru our journey of cancer treatment...

most important, your memories are what you will have, no matter what, make the best memories possible. have fun. enjoy everyday, laugh, smile, have fun. and dont get mad at the bad days, they come, too often...but remember its another day you get to spend with your loved one, good or bad make the best of it.

take time for yourself, even if its just a long bath, make sure you have time for you to free your mind from everything and just be able to relax. {takes practice, i never mastered it}

dont feel guilty. its hard, i know. dont feel as if your supposed to just curl up and stop everything, no. you need to enjoy life, all of it, whether its a few short years together or 50, enjoy them all.

Live in the now. i am HUGE on this, i tell everyone to live in the now, it was Jason's motto, it was our motto, and is now my motto. its how we justified our trips {cruise and hawaii} along with taking days off work, and driving to nowhere...its a way of life.

dont let people make you believe that your doing it wrong. they have no clue.

stand up for yourself/selves. demand answers, treatment, remember you have options, from your drs, to treatment, hospitals and everything in between, it is YOUR choice.

if it doesnt feel probably isnt, your gut instinct is amazing. {we never went back to a radiologist after meeting her once, bad vibes}

do your research...but be prepared for AWFUL nights after...

no question is a stupid question, if you think it is google it first.

google is your best friend.

stay positive.

dont be afraid to break down in the middle of wal mart, work, car, lunch...ANYWHERE. cry when you need to cry. your true friends will do everything in their power to comfort you...or just cry with you, wherever you are.

ignore people. i know they are just trying to help, they care BLAH BLAH BLAH. people SUCK, the end. ignore the comments about what they would do, ignore the comparisons they WILL make about you and their long lost dads cousins friends mailmans uncles brothers daughters son twice removed, it doesnt matter. that was them, this is you. you are writing your own story.

talk about EVERYTHING, know what is wanted with treatment, extensive measures, funeral. EVERYTHING, dont avoid it, you will regret it. {write it down, you will forget at least half of it..} do this even if you arent sick, i fully recommend a book/binder with all important papers kept along with all wants, we didnt have one of these...

baking soda will get ANYTHING/EVERYTHING out of carpet, couch cushions, and your mattress. smell n stain gone.

and after writing this, we should all already know this. its nothing special that you only learn thru cancer treatment, im sure its nice to be reminded if going thru treatment now, and even if your not, sometimes we all need to be reminded to take a step back, take a deep breath n remember where u are who you are n what u want. n dont be afraid to give yourself everything you have ever wanted in life.


  1. Thank you for doing this post. I will be sure to take your advice and to share it!

  2. your very welcome! please feel free to ask anything, i am here to help whoever with whatever i can!

  3. that was a great read. also ill remember the baking soda that applies to kids too right:)
