Tuesday, January 3, 2012

hello all! its been a while...but im still here!

ive been keeping busy, or at least trying to! a close, amazing friend had her baby, n named her after Jason, i havent been over to see her yet but i will soon! i went to vegas for a friends bday, had a BLAST! it was definitely needed. had christmas in idaho, been spending much more time in logan. started the new year off great! and am convinced it is going to be a better year. {i know i said this last year so lets hope i dont jinx this one!} i know from the sounds of it i havent done much of anything...but i feel great, ive been spending a lot of time with a great person, who makes me happy...{fb stalkers im sure already know all about him lol}

today was my first day back at work...it started out as a FAIL...but got a little better, i was sent home about an hour into my shift, then called back in a couple hours later...im hoping to get more shifts, so keep your fingers crossed for me! i was surprised by how many people asked me how my husband was doing...

new year resolutions/changes, calling it changes might make them stick a little better!
ive gone vegetarian, dont know how long i will be, it could be a permanent thing..
exercise regularly/be more active
be positive!/enjoy everything, {live in the now}
be more spontaneous.

not much, but its good enough for me!


  1. I am happy for you but you really need to start texting me again, I kinda miss you. I am so happy you are becoming stronger every day. I am here for you as always. I still think you should move to AZ and one day you'll listen to me.

    PS I'm not a FB stalker!!


  2. Those are some awesome goals, I need to write down some of mine so I dont forget and that they be more of a motivation for me. Its nice to spend time with someone who makes you feel great!!! Love you Hope! Thanks for the update!

  3. I've been secretly stocking your blog for a while now. I get all teary eyed every time I read it. I remember seeing an article in the newspaper a long while back about Jason {or at least I think it was}, and really wished that I could afford to donate. I never forgot about it. Then I came across your blog through a friend and was sad to see that he had passed even though I don't know you {or him}. I have a close friend that I've known all my life, who's husband was recently diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma :( I have wondered if you know them, being the small world that it is. I have wanted to e-mail you and ask if you might have any advice for them but haven't had the nerve. The last thing I want to do is make things harder for anyone... but if there is anything positive you learned through your “journey” would you maybe be willing to share those things? I know that's asking a lot, especially from a stranger. So I understand if you don't want to. Thank you for sharing your story, it really keeps things in perspective.
